ANNEX 2 - Conditions Imposed in Accordance with the Operating Schedule & Under Paragraph 18(4) & 18(5) Schedule 8 Licensing Act 2003
CCTV shall be installed at the premises monitoring both inside and outside of the premises.
A Challenge 25 policy shall be implemented at all times with verified ID used.
Challenge 25 policy posters shall be on display at the premises.
Staff shall be trained on the Challenge 25 policy, ID verifiation and acceptable forms of ID. Refresher training on the Challenge 25 policy shall take place.
Till prompts shall be in operation where sale of alcohol or tobacco is taking place for employer to check ID.
A refusal book shall be in operation at the premises.
The premises shall the sale of alcohol where it is suspected alcohol is being purchased for a minor.
The premises shall refuse the sale of alcohol to intoxicated customers.
Alcohol shall not be displayed near confectionary.
Noise disturbance shall be kept to a minimum.
The premises shall encourage youths not to congregate outside the premises.