ANNEX 2 - Conditions Imposed In Accordance With The Operating Schedule & Under Paragraph 18(4) & 18(5) Schedule 8 Licensing Act 2003
Signs will be displayed at exits requesting patrons to leave the club in a quiet, orderly manner
When live or recorded music is played all reasonable steps will be taken to avoid disturbance to neighbouring properties
Unaccompanied children will not be admitted to the club
Dedicated taxi companies will be advised to collect patrons in such a manner as to minimise noise nuisance.
The maximum number of persons permitted on the premises shall be:
Concert Room 180
Small Lounge 100
Large lounge and games room 120
All exit doors shall be easily operable without the means of a key, card or similar means.
Exit doors shall be regularly checked to ensure that they function satisfactorily
Security fastenings shall be removed from doors whenever the club is open to members or staff.
Fire doors shall not be held open except by means of an approved device
Fire resisting doors in the bar shall be kept locked shut
Step and stair edges shall be highlighted so as to be conspicuous
Curtains, hangings and temporary decorations shall not obstruct exits, fire safety signs or fire fighting equipment
Notices detailing action to be taken in the event of a fire or an emergency shall be prominently displayed and maintained in good condition
Access for emergency vehicles shall be kept clear and free from obstruction
Fire drill and emergency lighting tests shall be carried out each month and a record of tests shall be kept for inspection
All fire exits and means of escape shall be signed in accordance with BSS 5499
An evacuation policy shall be in place to the satisfaction of the fire authority and all staff and committee members shall be trained in the evacuation policy
At least one trained first aider with access to first aid equipment will be on duty when the premises are open to members and guests