ANNEX 2 - Conditions Imposed in Accordance with the Operating Schedule & Under Paragraph 18(4) & 18(5) Schedule 8 Licensing Act 2003
A CCTV system which monitors the premises both internally and externally, and also covers the main entrance shall be maintained working.
There shall be no irresponsible drinks promotions which may encourage binge drinking.
All escape routes and exits shall be maintained so as not to cause a hindrance in the event of evacuation.
There shall be annual testing and inspection of Gas Installations at the premises by a qualified engineer.
There shall be annual testing and inspection of Electrical Installation at the premises by a qualified engineer.
There shall be annual testing and inspection of Emergency lighting at the premises by a qualified engineer.
A log book for safety checks shall be maintained
A first aid box will be made available.
Signs shall be posted at the exits reminding customers to leave quietly and with respect for local residents.
The beer garden/external areas of the premises are to be closed to customers at 22.00hrs each day.
Management will control sound levels to ensure that noise from the premises does not affect nearby noise sensitive properties.
No live or recorded music shall be played in any external areas of the premises.
All members of staff concerned with sales of alcohol shall be trained in relation to sales of alcohol to persons under the age of 18 years.
Gaming machines at the premises shall be positioned within sight of the bar servery in order that supervision can be given as to those playing on such.
Any person under the age of 18 years must be accompanied by a person over the age of 18 years.