ANNEX 2 - Conditions Imposed in Accordance with the Operating Schedule & Under Paragraph 18(4) & 18(5) Schedule 8 Licensing Act 2003
The designated premises supervisor shall control the level of amplified music so that any noise emitted from the premises does not cause nuisance to the occupiers of nearby residential dwellings
External Doors and windows shall be kept closed, allowing for normal entry and exit, whenever regulated entertainment involving amplified music is taking place.
Signs requesting customers to respect the needs of local residents and to leave the premises and the area quietly shall be prominently displayed at all exits
The maximum number of persons permitted on the premises is as follows;
100 Club - 100
Sponsors Lounge - 100
Vice Presidents Lounge - 100
The Centre Spot - 300
The James Hargreaves Suite, North Stand - 550
Indoor Sports Hall - 500
The Club will operate the 'Challenge 21' scheme.
All drinks sold from the concourse areas shall be sold in plastic containers
In the James Hargreaves Suite, The Vice Presidents Lounge, the 100 Club, the Sponsors Lounge, The Centre Spot Social Club, the Players Lounge and the indoor sports hall the sale of alcohol shall only be made to persons attending the premises for pre-organised football matches or other sporting or social events, business functions, pre-organised lunches, dinners, business luncheons and for persons taking table meals.
On the occasions of pre -arranged football matches including football matches relayed to the stadium by means of televised links; -
The opening of the premises will be in agreement with the Police match commander.
The sale of alcohol will only be permitted from the bars in the concourse areas during the period commencing 2 hours before the scheduled kick off time and ending 15 minutes before the scheduled finishing time of the match
In the event of intelligence of potential disorder the Police match commander may withdraw the authority to sell alcohol.
Alcoholic drinks may only be consumed in the concourse areas and not in the seating or other areas within the stadium
On the occasions of non football events the designated premises supervisor will liaise with Burnley Police a minimum of 21 days before the event
When the premises are open to the public daily check shall to place to ensure that;
All fire exits are unlocked and have clear access.
Access for emergency vehicles shall be kept free from obstruction.
Notices detailing actions in the event of a fire or other emergency shall be prominently displayed.
Fire alarms shall be maintained operable and fire evacuation procedures shall be given to guests either verbally or in written form at the commencement of any function.
Fire resistant doors to service shafts, ducts and cupboards shall be kept locked shut.
Disabled people shall be made aware of any special evacuation procedures.
Adequate first aid equipment shall be provided at pre-determined locations within the premises.
All areas open to the public including any exit routes shall be kept well lit in the absence of any natural light.
At all times when the premises are open to the public the provisions of the 'match day ground safety certificate shall be adhered to.
Security staff shall ensure that room capacity limits are controlled by means of a number counter.
Fire safety signs shall be adequately illuminated.
Long-term checks shall ensure that;
A full risk assessment is in place and all necessary control measures are adhered to.
All doors are regularly checked to ensure they function correctly. Records shall be kept of such checks.
All staff shall be trained in evacuation procedures.
Steps and stair edges shall be appropriately highlighted so as to be conspicuous.
At least 1 qualified first aider shall be on duty during all functions open to the public.
The emergency lighted system shall be kept fully charged and checked regularly. Records of such checks shall be maintained.
All staff shall be made aware of the capacities for each room and of the consequences of exceeding capacity limits.