ANNEX 2 - Conditions Imposed in Accordance with the Operating Schedule & Under Paragraph 18(4) & 18(5) Schedule 8 Licensing Act 2003
A door supervisor will be employed from 19.30 until the premises closes on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and shall be SIA registered.
Notices shall be displayed in the premises regarding the non-tolerance of drug usage and under age drinking.
Notices shall be displayed in the premises indicating that young persons apparently under age will be required to produce photographic identification indicating their date of birth, e.g. Proof of age card, passport, or driving licence.
The designated premises supervisor, or other responsible person shall control the level of amplified music so that any noise emitted from the premises does not cause nuisance to the occupiers or nearby residential dwellings.
All external doors and windows shall be kept closed, allowing for normal entry and exit, whenever amplified music is being played.
The holder of the premises licence shall be a member of B.A.N.D and be a regular attendee at BAND meetings, and will co-operate regarding any strategies or recommendations of this group.
The maximum number of persons permitted on the premises shall be 110