38 Yorkshire Street, Burnley, Lancashire, BB11 3BN
ANNEX 1 - Mandatory Conditions
ANNEX 2 - Conditions Imposed in Accordance with the Operating Schedule & Under Paragraph 18(4) & 18(5) Schedule 8 Licensing Act 2003
A CCTV system that monitors the customer area shall be maintained working at all times
In the event of a queue forming outside the premises a member of staff shall supervise the queue in order to prevent nuisance or damage being caused
All packaging and litter from the premises shall be cleaned/picked up by a member of staff at 2 hourly intervals during trading hours and at the end of trading hours.
Rubbish bins shall be provided on the premises.
Notices shall be displayed on the premises informing customers that anyone behaving in a noisy or disorderly manner shall not be served.
ANNEX 3 - Conditions attached after a hearing by the licensing authority
ANNEX 4 - Plan of Premises
The official plan of the premises is attached and endorsed