ANNEX 2 - Conditions Imposed in Accordance with the Operating Schedule & Under Paragraph 18(4) & 18(5) Schedule 8 Licensing Act 2003
A daily incident logbook detailing all incidents of note at the premises or in the immediate vicinity egg: slips, accidents, entry refusals and incidents of disorder etc. shall be maintained. The log shall detail the date, time, type of incident, brief circumstances, action taken and person dealing. The logbook shall be made available to the police or any other responsible authority for inspection, if required.
Door supervisors shall be registered with the SIA and shall be equipped with an appropriate method of keeping an accurate level of capacity levels.
Door supervisors shall be positioned at each entrance/exit (other than fire exits) to ensure that no customers leave with bottles or glasses. Door supervisors shall patrol the queue to the premises as necessary to ensure that customers who are drunk or who have acted in a disorderly manner, or have behaved in such a way as to cause public nuisance or disturbance, will be prevented from entering the premises.
The designated premises supervisor shall maintain a daily record comprising of the following: Start time and finish time of each door supervisor. The dps shall record the SIA badge number and shall sign and print their name in a legible form at the beginning and end of each tour of duty. The record shall be kept securely on the premises for at least 6 months and shall be produced on request to the police or other authorised person.
The premise license holder and/or the designated premises supervisor or a person nominated by them shall be a member of and regularly attend meetings of any pubwatch scheme for the area within which the premises is located.
An appropriate method of communication, as determined by the Police, shall be used at the premises. (This method of communication may be changed in the future as technology advances). This at present refers to registration of the community/network radio scheme. The equipment must be kept in working order at all times. When the premises are open to the public the radio/equipment must be switched on and monitored at all times by the DPS or responsible member of staff. All instances of crime and disorder must be reported via the radio and Police instructions must be complied with.
Where possible only glasses, which are made of toughened/safety glass, shall be used on the premises.
Free drinking water shall be made available at all times from the bar. The fact that this service exists shall be clearly advertised within the premises.
At peak times a minimum number of 2 door staff registered with the SIA shall be on duty for the first 100 customers, and thereafter one for every 100 or part thereof.
No person under the age of 18 shall be permitted on the premises after 21.00 hours.
Any person who looks or appears to be under the age of 21 shall be asked to provide identification that they are over 18.
The following are the only forms of identification accepted: UK photo driving licence, passport and PASS card. Proof of age checks shall take place inside the premises by staff whenever they have doubt about a person’s age.
Notices publicising challenge 21 initiative shall be clearly displayed at the entrance to the premises and behind the bar area at all times.
All staff shall receive training in relation to the licensing objectives but in particular in regards to the protection of children and preventing under age sales of alcohol. All staff shall receive regular refresher training and this training to be documented and details of training to be made available on request.
All persons who appear to be under the age of 25 years shall be required to produce proof of age by way of the following:
A recognised proof of age card accredited under the British Retail Consortiums Proof of Age Standards Scheme (PASS)
Photo driving licence
Citizen card supported by the Home Office
Official ID card issued by HM Forces or European Union Member State bearing a photograph and birth date of the holder.
The maximum number of persons (including staff and performers) allowed to be on the premises at any time shall be;
Ground Floor - 300.
Basement - 60.
When the designated premises supervisor is not at the premises another responsible person shall be nominated by the designated premises supervisor as being the person to manage the premises.
The licensed area of the premises shall be equipped with a tamper Proof, Closed Circuit Tele-Vision system (CCTV), which should comply with the following criteria.
1. It will record to a Digital Video Recorder (DVR), with an evidential burn to Compact
Disc (CD) or Digital Versatile Disc (DVD) with software facility.
2. The CCTV Digital Video Recorder (DVR) will always be connected to a colour
monitor that will be maintained in good working order in order to facilitate the
viewing of any CCTV recording at the premises by the Police or any member of
staff from the local authority.
3. A member of staff will be trained and will always be present when the premises
are open for licensable activity in order to download the images from the hard
drive to disc.
4. The full CCTV operating system will be maintained in proper working order. Any
faults will be rectified without delay.
5. It will be a colour system and will display on any recording the time and date of
the recording.
6. The system will be operated during all permitted hours.
7. Recordings will be held for 28 days; thereafter the DVR can be allowed to
overwrite if desired.
8. The 28 day recorded data to be made available to police or local authority
licensing officers for inspection and retention on request.
9. Camera's shall be sufficient in number to view any area for licensable activity and
any exit/entry and the area immediately outside the main entrance.
10. CCTV cameras will be robust and conspicuous in presence.
11. Clear signage deployed to indicate CCTV use both prior to entry and whilst within